Arthroplasty is a procedure used to repair an injured joint and alleviate joint stiffness. This procedure is generally performed on smaller joints, such as elbow, ankle or shoulder, but it can also be performed on larger joints, including knee and hip. If the patient suffers from chronic knee or hip pain, total joint replacement may be performed.
What to Expect
The two types of arthroplastic surgery are joint resection and interpositional reconstruction. Joint resection involves removing a portion of the joint bone to create space between the bone and socket. Interpositional reconstruction involves reconstructing the joint bones and adding prosthesis. The patient will receive general or regional anesthesia. If either of the arthroplastic procedures fail to repair joint pain, total joint replacement may be necessary. When patients are discharged, they will participate in physical therapy for the recommended amount of time.
How to Prepare
Pre-procedure use of medication should be discussed with your primary care physician prior to your scheduled procedure date. Patients may be asked to refrain from taking aspirin for a week or more before the procedure, as well as to fast for eight to 10 hours before the surgery. The doctor will advise the patient of any medications prohibited prior to the surgery. Make sure that your home is organized safely to avoid injury after the surgery.